How Many Hoisting Microphones Are Typically Suitable for a Large Choir?Author:小小Source:廣州桂德電子科技有限公司 When pickup sound for a large choir, the optimal number of hoisting microphones depends on the width and depth of the entire stage. Using one microphone as the center, with a diameter of 3 meters (radius of 1.5 meters), it is best to position each microphone approximately 3 meters apart. The microphones should be evenly distributed above the choir. On a small stage, typically one row is sufficient, while on larger stages, for more comprehensive sound pickup, it is recommended to divide into 2 to 4 rows of microphone placements. Secondly, for large choir microphones, hoisting them approximately two meters above the choir is most suitable, or about 60 cm above the choir's heads for more comprehensive sound pickup. |